
Celebrate The Wins

What many of us are not good at; is celebrating the wins no matter how big or small they are.

If you do not take a moment to recognise and reward yourself for those achievements you may feel like you are not moving forward - even though you are. 

Through numerous studies it was found that nothing contributed more to a positive inner work life (the mix of emotions, motivations, and perceptions that is critical to performance) than making progress in meaningful work. 

If a person is motivated and happy at the end of the workday, it’s a good bet that they achieved something, however small. If the person drags out of the office disengaged and joyless, a setback is likely to blame.

It has been called the progress principle - interesting to note that managers play a key part in influencing an employee and their level of motivation. 

It might seem simple - setting goals, having the time needed to complete a task, along with the required resources and most importantly offering the deserved recognition are critical to success of the progress principle. 

Tell me what do you want to celebrate in 2021?

Source: Harvard Business Review The Power of Small Wins