Top Motivators For Finding A New Job

2022 has been the year of people on the move. Many have stopped to think about their career, and voted with their feet, looking for greener pastures. It seemed like an opportune time because after the pandemic everyone questioned what is important to them. Considering how much time we spend at work, it makes sense it matches your current priorities.

McKinsey & Company recently published a study with nearly 12,000 participants asking the question “what is the motivation for seeking a new job?” The results are below for the Top 3.

  1. Was greater pay or hours.

  2. Better career opportunities.

  3. Flexible working arrangements.

Last on the survey results was alignment with the company’s cultural values. This has trended in a different direction to what we have seen in the past - where cultural fit was a key driver for a new recruit. Or at least understanding what the culture of the company was.

Flexible working is the new norm. What we know is we have work to do to create the right balance between working remotely and in the workplace. With the current economic environment - finances remain top of mind. When on the job hunt remember there is more than just a base salary you need to consider. Think holistically about the benefits that would be attractive to you.

What would motivate you to leave your current job and go somewhere new?