The Art of Communication

Mastering the art of communication seems to be dying a slow death. In the world of technology it seems people would rather text than call or email instead of walk over to someone’s desk. Our obsession with our phones, often means we are looking down versus up and forward. The shorthand version of the English language is also taking its toll, with spelling, grammar and complete sentences, not as important today.

From a business perspective employees want to be kept informed, the way a company can do this becomes very powerful to aligning with an engaged workforce. That old saying - communicate often, even when there is nothing new to say - say that. It creates trust and alignment.

It is a way to share ideas, concepts and thoughts and to be challenged by another view point. Allowing us to be curious with a growth mindset to consider new ways.

Personally communicating well is the strength of a healthy relationship. Life is never perfect and in fact learning to negotiate through conflict is a skill everyone should have. It can help you have your needs met.

Communication is not just verbal and about words - your body posture, facial expression, gestures, and the tone of voice can all impact how you communicate. Often it isn’t what has been said that can create offence it can be the way it was delivered.

A conversation is meant to be two way - remember to actively listen when you are not talking. We have two ears and one mouth - use them in that order.

Know the difference between communication and collaboration. Communication may only be about presenting information for someone to digest, collaboration is hearing the information and then working together to create something.

  • Be present when someone is talking to you.

  • Take notes if that is appropriate and assists you with retaining information.

  • Be concise and clear.

  • Decide what your message is and stay relevant to that.

  • Practice different forms of communication.

It is a skill, one we need to invest in - because it creates connection, builds relationships and allows us to express ourselves.