
Declutter Your Life

We have made it into February and I feel like I am surrounded by two types of people.

  1. Those who are ready to take on 2023 and live life to the fullest.

  2. Those who still seem burnt out from the past few years and less confident about getting out and about.

There is no right or wrong answer to this - you feel, how you feel. If life still seems slightly overwhelming some suggestions on how to declutter your life which may bring you peace of mind.

  1. Remove toxic people from your life. We hear it so often, surround yourself with those who can build you up and not tear you down. Be considerate about who you let into your life. This can be a challenge to start to distance yourself, so do it slowly.

  2. Donate what you don’t wear. This is a very cathartic experience to clean out your wardrobe and donate your clothes that you no longer want or need to a worthwhile cause. It also gives you space back in your wardrobe by simplifying the process of getting dressed each day.

  3. Reconsider your routine. This one hit home for me. Does your current routine serve you and the life you want to live? You want to feel energised for the day ahead so write down your movements and activities for a week or so and gauge how you were feeling at those times. What needs to go?

  4. Unsubscribe and remove. This is another process that can set you free. Realising how many emails you receive from subscriptions and memberships you have no interest in. Start unsubscribing and be grateful for the time this will add back into your day. Possibly some dollars if any are a paid membership/subscription.

  5. Take the minimalistic approach. Over the past few years the topic of minimalism has been prominent, with those who chose this simplified life shouting from the rooftop that it has created the change they wanted. It will allow you the ability to prioritise what is important to you. What “stuff” fills your home although not your heart?

Now find the time to work your way through each of these actions that resonate with you the most. Life can be overwhelming although small steps can be taken to reset and decide what clutter no longer should have a place in your life.

What are you carrying with you that seems heavy? It might be time to put that down and move on.

Article concept and references from EQ Minds.