Interview Tips

Top Tips For A Successful Virtual Interview

With face to face interviews still not in play in most locations be prepared for a virtual interview. You should still prepare as if you would an in person interview and want to make a strong first impression.

  1. Lighting is critical to get right. You want the light in front of your face and not behind. If you do not have access to strong natural light onto your face set up a lamp in front of you.

  2. What can be seen behind you? Do a check and make sure the area is clear of clutter and make the area look professional. Even better blur your screen background where possible.

  3. If you need to present, make sure you have checked the technology and know how to connect. If you can work from two screens, one where you can read from your presentation and the second allows you to see the interviewers faces and stay connected.

  4. They can only see your top half so dress to impress from the waist up. Wear an appropriate outfit for the role you are interviewing for. It’s better to be overdressed than under.

  5. Limit wearing accessories that could make unnecessary noise against your headset or speakers. I interviewed with a person who was wearing a chain attached to her glasses and every time she moved it made a loud noise against her headset, it was disruptive.

  6. Print your resume or have it on the second screen - so you can keep track of what they are looking at and ensure you stay on script to what you provided.

  7. Stay focused and put your phone away (unless that is how you are conducting the interview). Turn everything else off or onto silent so that you stay present during the interview.

  8. If you are in a house with others, let them know it’s important they do not disturb you or make too much noise. In fact I have known some people have conducted the interview in their car to ensure privacy.

  9. It can be tricky to know when someone will speak so stay connected and anticipate when you can if someone interviewing you wants to ask a question or share a comment.

  10. Have pen and paper ready to take notes that you can refer to later. You may not need it although better to be organised and prepared.

Good luck and remember to let your personality shine through.

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