
The latest series called Undressed shown on Paramount Plus in Australia created and hosted by Kathryn Eisman was one of those series that I truly felt moved by. A show that focuses on asking the questions;

  • What drives our fashion choices?

  • Are we choosing clothing that reflects who we truly are?

During the series Kathryn meets with a diverse group of Australians to understand the clothing choices they make and how what they wear can impact how they feel about themselves and more importantly can allow them to hide from who they are for many different reasons.

Trying to uncover what is holding them back Kathryn has this unique ability to read people and understand what is behind the clothes. We all need to get dressed and I have always believed you should dress for you, find your style and be comfortable in your own skin.

Another question to answer is how do you break old habits and build your confidence? On the show each person’s story is different although very compelling. Being fearful of change or potentially removing barriers, for example wearing the same “uniform” that you go to every day because it is safe although it is not telling the story of who you are is a key story line.

This is the reason that personal styling was an attractive profession because I do believe what you wear can change how you feel. You have to get dressed every day, why not love how you look.

My favourite part of the show is the end of each episode where they are provided a new outfit that talks to their style and who they want to be with a mini style makeover that could include hair and make up. When they look at themselves in the mirror for the first time they love how they look. They were using words like “I am beautiful” and were emotionally moved by this enhanced version of them.

Firstly I recommend watching the show because it breaks down the psychology of people. Secondly I would say if you have been hesitant to change up your style or feel unsure what your style is, drop me a line always happy to provide advice and talk through any questions you may have.