Everyone has a personal brand whether you think you do or not. How people perceive you no matter how long they have known you (years versus minutes) is wrapped up as your personal brand.
Think about how you “market yourself” what you say, do and present is your brand. Stop and do some self reflection, think about you and your life and what is important to you. Spend time identifying your core qualities and values - what makes you unique?
Step back and think about your purpose in life - what drives you? Simon Sinek an author and inspirational speaker provides valuable thoughts around starting with our why. If you have not watched the TedX talk called How Great Leaders Inspire Action, it is worth the 17 minutes and 48 seconds of your life. He digs deep into the understanding of the brand and the difference between what, how and why.
Your brand is not all about how you look or what you wear, although judgements will be made about that. It is deeper than that, what you say and how you say it, is critical. From presenting yourself in an interview, to sending an email that has your signature at the bottom, to the way you treat the barista who makes your coffee - all make up your brand image.
It is worth spending an afternoon mapping out the above and creating clarity because that also will breed consistency. If you are someone heading into the job market, think about how each interaction you have represents who you are. Stay on brand and be your authentic self.