
The latest series called Undressed shown on Paramount Plus in Australia created and hosted by Kathryn Eisman was one of those series that I truly felt moved by. A show that focuses on asking the questions;

  • What drives our fashion choices?

  • Are we choosing clothing that reflects who we truly are?

During the series Kathryn meets with a diverse group of Australians to understand the clothing choices they make and how what they wear can impact how they feel about themselves and more importantly can allow them to hide from who they are for many different reasons.

Trying to uncover what is holding them back Kathryn has this unique ability to read people and understand what is behind the clothes. We all need to get dressed and I have always believed you should dress for you, find your style and be comfortable in your own skin.

Another question to answer is how do you break old habits and build your confidence? On the show each person’s story is different although very compelling. Being fearful of change or potentially removing barriers, for example wearing the same “uniform” that you go to every day because it is safe although it is not telling the story of who you are is a key story line.

This is the reason that personal styling was an attractive profession because I do believe what you wear can change how you feel. You have to get dressed every day, why not love how you look.

My favourite part of the show is the end of each episode where they are provided a new outfit that talks to their style and who they want to be with a mini style makeover that could include hair and make up. When they look at themselves in the mirror for the first time they love how they look. They were using words like “I am beautiful” and were emotionally moved by this enhanced version of them.

Firstly I recommend watching the show because it breaks down the psychology of people. Secondly I would say if you have been hesitant to change up your style or feel unsure what your style is, drop me a line always happy to provide advice and talk through any questions you may have.

Finding Your Personal Style

Having spent the past few weeks at numerous events and chatting to many men and women it seems as we get older you can fall into one of two categories. You gain more confidence in your style and clearly know who you are and how you want to dress. Or you have lost your way and are looking for inspiration to define your style now. You could be stuck back in a moment of time, yet your lifestyle has changed and your current look does not meet that brief.

The best place to start is to think about the following questions.

  1. What is your current life style? How do you spend each day and what do you need or want to wear.

  2. What style do you like on others that you are inspired by? It is not about being someone else, it is about idea gathering. Understanding what will suit you and your body shape.

  3. What do you want your clothes to say about you? Your outfit will tell a story and you are the author so choose how you are presented.

Then from there take some time to review what is in your wardrobe and select the pieces that match the story and style you want to tell. Create a list of what is missing and then over time and when budget permits start your journey to evolve and update the wardrobe.

This is not about buying expensive designer clothing, unless that is your preference, this is about creating a style you feel stylish, comfortable and your authentic self in. It can be so easy to be stuck in a rut and go to the same pieces every day. We wear 20% of our wardrobe, 80% of the time. Challenge your self to change it up.

I love to find inspiration through people watching, social media channels like Instagram and Pinterest, in magazines (I am old school) and wandering through boutiques. If you need any assistance the personal styling world is filled with talented stylists who can help you along the way.

Finding your personal style might just be the refresh you need.

Top Motivators For Finding A New Job

2022 has been the year of people on the move. Many have stopped to think about their career, and voted with their feet, looking for greener pastures. It seemed like an opportune time because after the pandemic everyone questioned what is important to them. Considering how much time we spend at work, it makes sense it matches your current priorities.

McKinsey & Company recently published a study with nearly 12,000 participants asking the question “what is the motivation for seeking a new job?” The results are below for the Top 3.

  1. Was greater pay or hours.

  2. Better career opportunities.

  3. Flexible working arrangements.

Last on the survey results was alignment with the company’s cultural values. This has trended in a different direction to what we have seen in the past - where cultural fit was a key driver for a new recruit. Or at least understanding what the culture of the company was.

Flexible working is the new norm. What we know is we have work to do to create the right balance between working remotely and in the workplace. With the current economic environment - finances remain top of mind. When on the job hunt remember there is more than just a base salary you need to consider. Think holistically about the benefits that would be attractive to you.

What would motivate you to leave your current job and go somewhere new?

Do We Need Quota's?

Do you believe we need quota’s in a business to achieve the equity with gender diversity?

In reading through the report posted by Workplace Gender Equity Agency they discuss firstly the difference between a target and a quota and also the advantages and potential disadvantages of both options. We unfortunately live in a world where this discussion is needed. Australia’s national gender pay gap is 14.1% percent. This means that on average, women earned $263.90 less per week than men. 

I would initially say the most qualified person should be given the job, although with little movement in the right direct setting clear quotas may now be the only way forward.

“Gender diversity targets and quotas, and their respective merits as strategies for promoting women in leadership in the workplace, are much debated.” The goal was to clarify the difference between gender diversity targets and quotas and which one as a strategy is better to promote gender diversity in a workplace

“Organisations that set targets are more likely to succeed at increasing their gender diversity.” The research would show that setting targets does make a difference along with clearly outlining a plan on how to achieve them. Each business will need to be focused on continually improving year on year, remaining accountable to the target and measuring performance.

“Targets are specific measurable objectives, generally set by an organisation at their own discretion, with discrete timeframes in which they are to be achieved. Consequences for not meeting a target may be set and enforced as the organisation sees fit.”

“Quotas are mandatory. Like targets, quotas are also specific, time bound measurable objectives, but are usually set externally by a body with authority to impose them on organisations (for example, the Parliament). Establishing quotas usually includes setting penalties for failing to meet them. These are enforced by a body external to an individual company and are non-negotiable by individual organisations.”

Quotas being set by an external body means they must be delivered, harsher penalties if not achieved. Targets at least start the conversation and if a company remains accountable they can also make change.

Tell me your thoughts - do we need quotas?

IQ - EQ - AQ

What is the difference between IQ - EQ and now AQ?

Let me tell you all about it.

Growing up everyone spoke about IQ - Intelligence Quotient, the focus on measuring intellectual abilities and potential. There were tools designed to uncover a range of cognitive skills; reasoning, logic, and problem solving. It felt like all we cared about was how smart you are. In saying that important skills that come in handy in a business environment to include logic and problem solving in your day to day management.

Then in the past ten to fifteen years the shift happened and we wanted everyone to have EQ - Emotional Quotient, also known as Emotional Intelligence. The focus this time was on the ability to understand, use and manage your emotions in a positive way to relieve stress, effectively communicate, have the ability to empathise, the confidence to overcome challenges and defuse conflict. It shifted to be more about caring and connection over intelligence and logic. In recent studies having EQ is considered essential for a leader in the Top 10 Traits they should display. You would know yourself when you have a manager who genuinely cares for you, how that makes you feel and the respect you have for them.

The latest move is to AQ - Adaptability Quotient this time our focus is on measuring someone’s ability to adapt. This seems a critical skills after the past few years with the pandemic. Another term for this is Adversity Quotient which is a true measurement on resilience and adaptability. Paul Stoltz in 1997 coined this term. The one constant thing in our lives is change and to embrace this movement becomes the best way to navigate the challenges we face.

With AQ your mindset is always looking for ways to adapt.

Curiosity is one skill you can build out. What do you want to learn about?

Accountability is all about taking charge and own your actions and behaviours.

Focusing where you have the ability to say no to something not serving you and can redirect your attention to that moment.

Courageous not on the world scale, instead learn to be uncomfortable. Do a daily small task to push you further each time.

Connection is incredibly important. Human connection, talking to others, is an opportunity to learn, grow and feel supported.

Reflection is taking that moment to look back and consider your learnings - What worked? What didn’t? What could we improve? Do not spend hours or days in this mode, you need to look forward to see where you are going.

The perfect outcome is you have all three - IQ, EQ and AQ in play. Lean into EQ more and AQ is now necessary to thrive. There is plenty to read in this space to learn how you can build on these traits. I thought it helpful you know the difference between them.


If you are considering making a career move and are worried about making the leap - ask yourself what is holding you back?

Sometimes it is the fear of the unknown - new role, new company, new manager. Sometimes it is the fear of failure - what if I am not succesful in this new role. Sometimes it can be a concern around benefits they will offer. You have been working at one company who allows you freedom and flexibility. Sometimes it can be you questioning if you have the right level of experience and skills you need for this role.

Believe in yourself. Back yourself.

It is an employee market right now, so you are in the driver seat. Do your research so when you apply for a role you know about the company and if they culturally align to your values. You will be surprised how transferable your skills are, perhaps you have not worked in a particular industry although the role is the same as you have today, put your best foot forward and explain why you are the best candidate. You can always learn about that company and the industry over time.

If you want flexibility be up front in the interview process and explain what you are looking for, be prepared to compromise although once you set your boundaries they are much easier to mantain.

If you are a parent returning to the workplace after taking time off do not underestimate your life skills you can include in your resume. Think about what you have been spending your time doing and highlight the skills that could be linked to this new role.

A reminder to believe in yourself. Be clear on what you can do and if you only have 70% of the experience and skills outlined in the job advert, do not let that hold you back from applying. Although do not be dishonest in the interview process, if you cannot do something make that clear and indicate your willingness to learn.

This is an ideal time to be reviewing the job market right now. If you are considering a change and want to know what is out there jump on to the latest recruitment sites to get a sense of what roles might appeal to you. Have the courage to apply - what is the worst thing that can happen?

Believe - that is my magical word for you today and everyday. You need to back yourself every time.

Law Of Attraction

One of the great sayings is surround yourself with like-minded and positive people.

Tony Robbins will tell you the answer lies in your standards. That might mean you need to raise your standards to change and create impact in your life. Tony talks about “surrounding yourself with people who lift you up, lend you knowledge and help you learn from your mistakes.”

Powerful words where it is not all about positive reinforcement instead find people who challenge you and push you to achieve your dreams. It taps back into the concept of law of attraction. It is a universal principle where you attract into your life whatever you focus on. Where is your energy and attention being directed too?

If you are on the job hunt - spend your time researching companies, building connections, preparing your resume, applying for roles, practicing interview techniques. Fill your time with positive energy around landing that dream job.

If you are wanting to define your personal brand - spend your time consulting with the experts who can help you gain the clarity on who you are, what drives you, what would make you happy and how you want to be viewed by others. Channel your time into this space and remain present with your thoughts on what you want to achieve. Do not be derailed by looking around you and making comparisons.

It seems simple - what you think about and focus on can become real. Instead we spend a great deal of time over thinking, planning for ‘what if’ scenarios and listening to many opinionated voices around us that don’t understand the journey we are on.

Today, start a dedicated focus of what you want in your life and direct your attention on that with your heart and soul. Let’s see what manifests.

Image: Indie Lane

When I Grow Up

Do you remember at school you were asked over and over again - What do you want to do when you grow up?

Which really on reflection makes me think what you do as job is what defines you, which we know is not true.

Today when you ask the younger generation what they want to be? The most common answer is FAMOUS. No more career goals of being a doctor, lawyer or a teacher.

What I love about the world now is the opportunity that exists. When I went to University there were different options for study although the courses were similar with the same run of the mill subjects. Now we have options like Digital Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding, Authentic Leadership or Corporate Sustainability.

At any age you can go back to study and take a new career path if you are ready for a change. Many courses also offer full time and part time study with some offering complete online learning so you never need to be in a classroom.

If you feel a little lost about your career direction, one book I read and it continues to be republished is “What colour is my parachute” by Richard Bolles. The book gives you the tools to discover and land your dream job. They have already released the 2022 edition. You do need to “do” the book, as there are activities to complete so you can define your purpose and way forward.

The message is - it’s never too late to change career direction. Network and talk to others in the field you are interested in to see what doors can be opened for you. You are never stuck where you are, especially if you are not feeling fulfilled.

Perhaps in the future we will start to hear about happiness instead of fame, helping others instead of what’s in it for me and maybe my dream of being a back up dancer is a reality.

When I grow up I want to be?

Size Is Irrelevant

Did you know that in Australia our clothing sizing is one of the most inconsistent in the world?

Every retailer has their own way of measuring for each size and often that revolves around one fit model and they then add or remove fabric length depending on the size. This is why very few people genuinely can buy off the shelf and have it fit perfectly without the need to alter.

We also know that you can be a different size across all retailers so my advice is always to try on prior to purchasing and if you ordered online then return or exchange if the size is not right. Items that don’t fit, don’t get worn and make for a waste of money.

If you do worry about size then I say cut the label out of the garment, so you never need to see it again. I promise no one will ever come up to you and say “I love that size 16 jacket you are wearing” instead they will say “I love that jacket”.

Size truly is irrelevant. Instead focus on the fit and the feel - select what makes you feel comfortable and confident and not choose a size that you think you need to be wearing.

The Ultimate Closet Clean Out

With every new year our intentions reset - for some we set our goals and hope we will at least stay on track for the month of January. For others they will go about cleaning up their life - often that starts with health and wellness and then moves onto the house and our surrounds. This brings us to the topic for today of the ultimate closet clean out and truly how satisfying that can feel.

If you are on holidays and at home, this is the perfect time to dedicate a few hours to the clean up. What you will need is the patience to pull everything out of your closest or wardrobe and work through each item breaking them into one of the following categories.

  1. Keep - items that you wear consistently and deserve a space in your closet. Think about how to hang or fold or store each item. Do you want to colour code? Do you want to keep items by season (handy if you are limited on space)? Do you want to keep in order by the type of garment? Then return each item to the correct location. If hanging - highly recommend velvet hangers - compact, means garments will not slide off and kind to your clothes unlike wire.

  2. Unsure - this pile means you should try on and then work through why or why not it should stay. If the item needs to be repaired or altered or dry cleaned - create a seperate pile and make time to complete those tasks. If the item does not fit and altering will not assist or does not suit your style it’s time to say goodbye, that is a new pile. If you have not worn an item for over a year ask yourself if you are truly going to wear this piece again. Otherwise it is taking up expensive real estate in your closet. Note: for most of us we have been home due to COVID-19 and living in active wear or loungewear therefore the 12 month rule may need to be flexible.

  3. Goodbye - this pile can be separated into sub groups. The first one is any items that are unwearable and should make their way into the bin. The second group is for items you would like to donate, there are many worthy causes that will take well cared for second hand clothing. The third group is for anyone who is struggling to let go of an item because of what you spent on it - then consider selling online or at a market. The second hand clothing resale was huge in 2020 and will continue as consumers become more conscious about their fashion footprint.

The key is to be ruthless and only keep what you wear and what suits your style. There is nothing more furstrating than sorting through piles of clothes that you do not wear. It is time consuming to have a wardrobe not work hard for you. Getting dressed should be painless and fun each day. A clean and tidy closet is the best place to start.